Cam Martinez

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Trust Yourself

Here’s what I’ve come to understand about making decisions in uncertain times: no one ever knows the way until they start walking it.

We tend to think that with enough planning, data, or deliberation, we’ll eventually arrive at the “right” decision before we take the first step.

But clarity doesn’t come neatly packaged beforehand. Clarity comes through action.

I’ve seen this play out in business, in life—anytime the stakes felt high.

Waiting for certainty becomes a kind of paralysis. We get stuck, frozen by fear of making the "wrong" decision, as if some mythical ‘right’ answer is out there waiting to be found.

But here’s a truth: there is no wrong decision.

That doesn’t mean every path is easy. It just means every path is figureoutable.

Each decision, even the tough ones, reveals new information, uncovers angles we didn’t see before, and gets us closer to clarity. But only if we’re willing to step forward.

Movement, testing, and adjusting—this is how the path reveals itself.

When I’m unsure, I start simple. I form a hypothesis and ask: “With the information I have now, what’s the next best step?”

Then I test it, observe, and adjust as needed. It doesn’t have to be perfect—decisions need to be made, not perfected.

As results come in, iterate, adjust, and refine. Every decision is a hypothesis we can evolve.

And then, there’s intuition.

Data and information can guide us, but intuition often carries answers that letters and numbers can’t.

The tricky part? Knowing when we’re feeling our intuition versus fret.

I’ve learned this: intuition speaks clearly. It doesn’t hem and haw. If it’s not a strong ‘yes,’ then it’s a ‘no.’ Trust that.

The world is uncertain. Data conflicts. People are unpredictable. And yet, we still get to move forward.

Looking back on the times I’ve led myself or others through uncertainty, I realize the most important thing I provided was confidence in my ability to figure things out. To move forward without letting the weight of doubt keep me stuck.

So here’s what I remind myself: trust yourself to take the next step. The path will reveal itself, not before you walk it, but because you walk it. The more steps you take, the clearer it becomes.

You don’t need certainty—you need movement. Start with a hypothesis, test it, adjust. Trust your intuition. Lead with confidence, and the answers you’re seeking will become clearer as you go.

The path to clarity isn’t waiting for you—it’s made by you.

Trust yourself...

Cheers for now,